Wonder Woman: 10 Villains Who Should Appear In The Movie

10. The Circle

The Villains: For years, Wonder Woman had lacked the introduction of a worthy new opponent. Enter Alkyone, Myrto, Charis, and Philomena, four Amazons not in step with the rest of the group, introduced in 2008. Vile and impolite, they were made Queen Hippolyta€™s guards only to subsequently attempt to kill Diana as an infant, fearing that she would tear them all apart.

After being imprisoned for their efforts, they were freed years later and sought to continue their mission only to become conflicted when they realised that the adult Diana had instead united their people.

Why They Should Be In The Film: Diana has faced plenty of variants on the €œAmazon with a grudge,€ but The Circle are so interesting because they truly believe they are doing the right thing. Since none of the Amazons are allowed to have children, despite many wanting to, The Circle feared that young Diana would spawn jealousy and hatred amongst themselves; in their minds, they€™re holding up their responsibility to keep their society safe.

Though their methods are violent, their quest is noble and understandable. This cause is made all the more compelling as they never go out of their way to do evil deeds, and their only real goal is to kill Diana. The Circle is physically fearsome and ideologically provoking, all the while rooted in Diana's culture, meaning they hit most of the essential beats that would make them successful villains.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.