Wonder Woman: 11 Awesome Superhero Movies It Destroyed Critically
Sorry, Deadpool.

In retrospect, it's both depressing and hilarious to consider that many fans had already resigned Wonder Woman to being a huge disappointment, much like Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad in particular.
Who honestly could've seen it coming that the movie would in fact release to some of the year's best reviews to date of any major movie, scoring an impressive 90%-ish Rotten Tomatoes score with an approximate 7.5/10 average?
That puts it near enough on par with the classic likes of Batman Begins, Spider-Man, X-Men 2 and the recent Captain America: Civil War, a stunningly positive result for a film that insiders called a "mess" several months ago.
It just goes to show: don't always believe those early reports, and mercifully, it seems that the DCEU isn't simply destined to be perennially underwhelming. Wonder Woman isn't just a critical hit, though: it's clearly superior to a lot of the better superhero movies from recent years. Imagine saying that the year after the brutal double-whammy of DC disappointment that was 2016.
Though Wonder Woman's critical success provides some much-needed hope that Justice League might also not be the disaster that it's been reported as, it's probably still best to approach that one with cautious optimism at best. Let's not get duped again...