Wonder Woman: 9 Signs It Will Redeem The DCEU
1. Gal Gadot's Is The Perfect Wonder Woman
Even though Warner Bros. has taken care to stack Wonder Woman's cast, hire a talented director and not interfere with the production, Wonder Woman will either succeed or fail based on the strength of Gal Gadot's performance in the title role. Her portrayal of Diana Prince will be the movie's foundation and if it's shaky the whole edifice will come crashing down.
Gadot has already proven she's a perfect fit for the role with her scene-stealing supporting turn in BvS. Even BvS' harshest critics had to admit Gadot absolutely nailed Wonder Woman's first onscreen appearance and it seems that Gadot is taking the role very, very seriously. Her workout routine has been appropriately insane, and her enthusiasm for the property radiates through every interview she does.
As a veteran of the Israeli army, Gadot has used her military experience to invest the role with a physical authenticity it is hard to imagine another actress bringing to the table, which makes her uniquely qualified to play such a powerful character. Gadot is Wonder Woman's ace in the hole, a casting coupe that will all but assure the DCEU stems the tide of bad reviews and delivers its first critical success.
What do you think - can Wonder Woman save the DCEU? Let us know down in the comments.