Wonder Woman Movie: 5 Actresses & Directors Who Would Be Great

1. Sam Mendes, Director

Sam Mendes Sam Mendes is perfect for this. I wouldn't have said that a few years ago, back when Mendes was primarily a director that shot for Academy Awards with movies like American Beauty, Road to Perdition, and Revolutionary Road. But after he helmed Skyfall, a movie that blew every Bond film before it right out of the water, you just know that Mendes would direct the hell out of Wonder Woman as well. Skyfall was both fun and emotionally affecting, light and dark at the same time. And that's precisely the balance we need to strike to shoot the Amazon up into the upper stratosphere of superhero filmmaking.

Kevin Lanigan is a fun-loving Sagittarius who enjoys long walks on the beach and sunsets. While running a popular blog called Chekhov's Gunman, Kevin hopes to one day write the best movies and television you can complain about on the Internet. One of those movies, entitled IT DIDN'T TAKE, just opened up on Indiegogo and would appreciate all donations. Rosebud is a sled.