Wonder Woman Movie: 5 Actresses & Directors Who Would Be Great

4. Jack Bender, Director

Jack Bender If the sequels to both Thor and Captain America can be helmed by TV people, then so can the introductory Wonder Woman movie. I can't be the only one waiting for famed Lost director Jack Bender to finally make a big push into film, and this would be the perfect chance. Bender helmed some of Lost's strongest and most fantastical episodes, including the Season 5 finale "The Incident" and the all-time best episode, "The Constant." Wonder Woman is one of the most fanciful of DC's heroes, so a deft touch with fantasy would be necessary to make things work. Bender has handled more than his fair share of bizarre material working the beat on Lost, so I don't see any reason why he can't make us believe that this lady could exist in today's world.

Kevin Lanigan is a fun-loving Sagittarius who enjoys long walks on the beach and sunsets. While running a popular blog called Chekhov's Gunman, Kevin hopes to one day write the best movies and television you can complain about on the Internet. One of those movies, entitled IT DIDN'T TAKE, just opened up on Indiegogo and would appreciate all donations. Rosebud is a sled.