Wonder Woman Review: 10 Best Moments

10. The Alley Fight

Wonder Woman Steve Trevor
Warner Bros.

After Steve and Diana head to London, his previous spying catches up with him, as the pair find themselves facing off against German agents who wish to retrieve Doctor Poison's notebook of gas formulas.

Steve tells Diana, "Stand back", but hilariously, it's only her intervention, using her bracelet to block an assailant's bullet, that keeps him alive, and so he changes his mind, adding, "Or maybe not."

Cue Diana using her bracelets to deflect every bullet fired her way while dismantling the group of men, and when the final assailant runs out of ammo, Steve lands a firm punch to the face. He ends by asking Diana, "Is there anything else you want to show me?"

It's a small but superbly well-directed scene, further illustrating the movie's expertly balanced tone, not to mention how well Gal Gadot and Chris Pine share the screen together.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.