Wonder Woman Trailer Review: 7 Ups & 4 Downs
1. So Much Slo-Mo

A lot of the blame for the current state of DC movies has been laid at the feet of Zack Snyder and though the blame game definitely reaches further than just him, he has forced everyone to take notes from his distinct style of film making.
Patty Jenkins may have taken too many notes as there is a whole lot of slow motion in this trailer. Too much. It would probably be half as long if you took it all out.
Slow motion is visually very interesting if used sparingly but so much of this is slowed down it comes close to looking like a warped 300 sequel. Wait, we already had a sequel. Well a sequel to that sequel then.
This second trailer has a lot going for it, but the stench of Snyder is everywhere and from what he has produced so far that could end up being Wonder Woman's downfall.
What did you think of this second trailer? Let us know in the comments.