X-Men: Apocalypse - 10 Characters Ben Hardy Could Be Playing

2. Colossus

Recent news has revealed that Daniel Cudmore will not be reprising his role as Colossus in future X-Men movies. With that in mind, Ben Hardy could well be taking over the role in the movie - he's not exactly a Cudmore lookalike, but the difference between two in terms of their facial appearance isn't a deal-breaker. While the character's appearance would contradict continuity in that, given his age in previous X-Men movies, he shouldn't be old enough to appear as an adult X-Men: Apocalypse, that hasn't stopped X-Men movies before - Days Of Future Past was all about those contradictions. The physical might of Colossus would be a valuable asset to the X-Men in their fight against the powerful blue-skinned mutant, and maybe under Hardy he'd actually get some character development.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.