X-Men: Apocalypse: Everything We Already Know

8. Yes, Wolverine Is Filming A Cameo

There has been much debate over whether or not Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) will appear in Apocalypse, considering his minimal cameo in First Class before appearing in a major role in Days Of Future Past. Jackman himself has been extremely coy about if he's in Apocalypse, and considering that he hasn't appeared in the cast lists, it's fair to assume that if he's in it, he doesn't have a huge role. It was recently confirmed that reshoots will be taking place in January, the most interesting tidbit being that Jackman has been said to be heading to Montreal for them, suggesting he's probably filming a cameo appearance of some sort. Sure, some have speculated that Jackman may actually be filming a bigger role that's been kept secret because it's a huge spoiler, but given how often the X-Men movies become "Wolverine and Friends", it might be worth keeping his part smaller this time.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.