X-Men: Apocalypse Leaked Trailer: 6 Things You Need To Know

1. Professor X Finally Goes Bald

Apocalypse Storm
Marvel Comics

The trailer wraps up with Professor X using Cerebro and his eyes turning black as he says, "I've never felt power like this before." 

That's an interesting visual, and one which again emphasises how powerful Apocalypse really is. This trailer really isn't that heavy on plot, but makes it clear that the X-Men are going to have to go to war with the ancient mutant to save humanity. Whether what Apocalypse is doing to preserve the mutant race is right or not will no doubt be a big talking point among the characters though. 

Anyway, one of the more disappointing aspects of the footage which was shown is that as previously mentioned, Professor X still has a full head of hair. Fans have been waiting since X-Men: First Class for him to resemble the bald Charles Xavier of the comic books, and it almost seems here that Bryan Singer is once again choosing to delay that. 

Well, in a reveal which won't surprise anyone who follows the director on Twitter, the trailer ends with a shot of a very bald Charles sitting in his wheelchair and staring at the camera. It's a moment obviously included to make fans happy, but one which feels exciting and iconic at the same time. 

How does he lose his hair? Well, that remains to be seen...


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.