X-Men: Apocalypse Official Trailer Breakdown - 36 Things You Need To See

20. Embracing The X-Men

As I said already, the movie seems to be gleefully embracing a lot of comic book elements (bar the costumes, before you go to the comments about it). Just look at how they're making a big deal of the X-Men as an ideal: "The world needs the X-Men" says Hank McCoy.
And here's Hank's lab, with a snazzy version of the Blackbird in a nicely kitted out and definitely not all that eighties - we're getting proper sci-fi here. This sequence is probably as Raven gets ready to lead the X-Men into battle after Charles is taken, so comes at the end of the second act.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.