X-Men: Apocalypse Official Trailer Breakdown - 36 Things You Need To See

13. Stryker Returns

The last time we saw William Stryker it was as a disguise by Mystique, with Raven taking possession of Wolverine. Josh Helman is returning for the film, seen cooly (if also with a hint of menace) getting off a helicopter that seems to be landing near the X-Mansion. Of course, this may just be Mystique in disguise, having kept the act up for her own safety after the events of Days Of Future Past.
The presence of Stryker begs a bigger question: will we see Wolverine? Hugh Jackman has been coy about whether or not he'll cameo in the film, but an appearance from his "creator" definitely points to some sort of cameo. Good stuff.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.