X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer Breakdown - 40 Things You Need To See

36. "I Have Been Called Many Things..."

And there's the first glimpse of Oscar Isaac's villain in action, and the first chance to hear his voice as he recounts the many names he's been called over the thousands of years of his life. That plays over what appears to be Storm's origin (since she doesn't yet have her Horsemen outfit on) - suggesting we might see each of his sidekicks being recruited. Thankfully, Isaac hasn't gone quite to the same lengths as Star Wars: The Force Awakens co-star Adam Driver in the vocal stakes. It's booming and the effects filter adds something supernatural, but it isn't anywhere near as ludicrous. The trailer initially also does a good job of making a traditional movie monster of Apocalypse by resisting the urge to reveal him too early.

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