X-Men Dark Phoenix: 10 Biggest Unanswered Questions We Still Have

3. Where Did Jean/Phoenix Go At The End?

Dark Phoenix Jean Grey Sophie Turner

Jean of course ends up sacrificing herself to kill the villainous Vuk (Jessica Chastain), unleashing the full power of the Phoenix Force and seemingly annihilating her physical form in the process.

The very end of the movie does reveal the Phoenix Force taking on a literally phoenix-like shape, which can be seen momentarily in the sky during Charles and Erik's final reunion in Paris.

So, where does Jean go from here, and how exactly will this lead to Days of Future Past's flash-forward, where Jean is back in her human form?

The Likely Answer

Before the Disney/Fox merger caused the franchise to wind up sooner than expected, it's reasonable to assume that Dark Phoenix was simply setting up another sequel which would take audiences closer to 2023's seemingly happy ending.

It's pretty clear that Jean would've eventually returned to her human form, but given the planet-terraforming potential of the Phoenix Force, could a prospective sequel have taken place at least partially in space?

It doesn't seem terribly likely that the Phoenix would simply fly listlessly around Earth either way, so the character disappearing into the cosmos for a while before returning to Earth, possibly in the film's third act to help battle the new villain, makes a solid amount of sense.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.