X-Men: Dark Phoenix - 21 Easter Eggs & References Explained

2. Cafe Old Friends (And Chess)

X Men Chess

There's a nice little thread of chess games in X-Men movies, with Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen's Xavier and Magneto playing the game as a mark of their friendship (despite everything) and also of their rivalry. That was revisited in Days Of Future Past when the pair played chess on their plane as a call-back.

In Dark Phoenix, the pair's final scene together sees Magneto presenting Charles with the opportunity to play chess for old time's sake.

And where do they play? Outside a cafe in France called Cafe Les Veux Copains - which is clearly supposed to be called Cafe Les Vieux Copains (but they accidentally spell it incorrectly), which translates, rather clunkily as Cafe Old Friends. Right on the nose there.


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