X-Men: Dark Phoenix - 21 Easter Eggs & References Explained

1. The Jean Grey School For Gifted Youngsters

XMen Xavier Mansion

At the very end of the movie, after Jean Grey has seemingly sacrificed herself and the survivors return to the X-Mansion to teach the next generation of mutants, Charles Xavier retires to obscurity (with the suggestion that fame WAS going to his head).

It's played as a changing of the guard with Beast taking over as headmaster, Storm seen teaching and new mutants in the halls of the mansion. Interestingly, we also see Cyclops hanging a new plaque on the school revealing a name change too. But rather than it being named in honour of Mystique, which might have been nice, the school is renamed The Jean Grey School For Gifted Youngsters.

That name change reflects a change in the comics, when it was reopened recently by Wolverine under the name the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning.

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