X-Men: Dark Phoenix Trailer Breakdown - 14 Things You Need To See
The X-Men return yet again, but what are the key things to take away from the trailer?

After months of speculation regarding Fox's upcoming X-Men: Dark Phoenix, with talk of reshoots and disappointing cuts doing the rounds, finally, the trailer has arrived.
It's pretty underwhelming, unfortunately, but that doesn't mean we can't take a moment or two to pick apart what the latest instalment in the X-Men series is bringing to the table. For starters, it's adapting Chris Claremont and John Byrne's famous Dark Phoenix Saga - one of the greatest Marvel stories in recent memory - and with the new timeline having produced two good films out of the three released thus far, fans would do well to give the fourth the benefit of the doubt (at least for the time being).
In any case, with this being a comic book movie trailer, there are a whole host of things to decipher and unravel. There are some clear and not-so-obvious changes heading towards the X-Men next February, but regardless of whether or not you keep up with Marvel's Mutants, you're probably going to want to familiarise yourself with their latest adventure anyway.
14. Flashbacks To A Period Between DOFP And Apocalypse

Since the introduction of the X-Men prequels, Fox have opted to make one film per-decade. First Class is set during the height of the Cold War in 1962, Days of Future Past takes place only a decade later, and Apocalypse sets itself against the backdrop of Reaganomics, shoulder pads, and Madonna.
Keeping with that theme, Dark Phoenix will be set in the nineties. This was a period of remarkable growth for the X-Men, with an animated series and countless comics storylines to their name, but it won't be the only decade Dark Phoenix visits.
At the beginning of the trailer, we're treated to a flashback involving Charles Xavier and a young Jean Grey, most likely during the latter half of the seventies. It's unclear how much of the film will be flashbacks, but you can be sure that Dark Phoenix won't be all-nineties throughout its runtime.