X-Men: Dark Phoenix Trailer Reactions - 3 Ups And 7 Downs
5. Repeating Beats From Previous Movies
It's not just The Last Stand this invokes memories of as, with the franchise now entering its seventh mainline movie, there are quite a few beats that we've seen before, either with the same characters or different ones.
The idea of the other kids at the school being scared of Jean, and her not being wanted there, feels a lot like Rogue's story; the idea of a mutant going to Magneto's side because of her burgeoning powers and/or Charles' actions is well played out; and, of course, we've seen so much Charles and Eric - and the latter flipping between different sides - drama by now that there isn't much left to do with it.
It's tough for any series to keep things fresh when its seven movies deep, even with a change in continuity, and this trailer doesn't have much hope on that front.