X-Men: Days Of Future Past - 10 Questions Singer Failed To Answer

1. Did The Last Stand Even Happen?

Frankly, this is clearly a trick question since the single most obvious agenda behind Days Of Future Past seems to have been to fix the errors of the past. When the mutants of the future timeline talk about being given a second chance, and about how close they've come to extinction the words might as well be in reference to the wayward third X-men film and the subsequently Origins spin-off. Singer has been very quickly to eradicate those two films from memory - only retaining Kitty Pryde (likely because of her importance to the plot here) and Kelsey Grammer as Beast (because even in the mire of the film, he stood out as excellent) from the cast - even if he required The Last Stand to exist for the nostalgic pay-off at the end of his sequel. That of course leaves endless possibilities for the young cast of the X-Men: while it is a pleasant idea, it's unlikely we'll see the old cast back on screen (other than Hugh Jackman's Wolverine) because their stories feel resolved, and we can look forward to future X-Men movies exploring some of the storylines we've already seen with impunity. What did you think of X-Men: Days Of Future Past? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

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