X-Men: Days Of Future Past - 11 Awesome Moments That Have Been Wiped Out

9. The Danger Room - X-Men: The Last Stand

X-Men: The Last Stand doesn't get the credit it deserves for attempting to be brave. Yes, Brett Ratner was not the right man to take over the reigns from Bryan Singer - but then, who was really? Singer should simply have stayed in charge of the franchise and built his trilogy ender into the grand-scale battle epic that Ratner attempted in his absence, and we would have been spared the disappointment. But, regardless of the critical reception of the film, which traditionally positions it as the second worst in the X-Men franchise, The Last Stand did some things well, with the emotionally loaded scenes working the best, and Ratner's eye for spectacle just about shining through in places. One such example is the opening sequence, which includes the fan-baiting first appearance of the Sentinels, in a glorified cameo within Xavier's Danger Room that sees Colussus and Wolverine team up for a tactical manoeuvre they would later revisit in the climactic sequence. The moment offered more of an insight into the dynamic between the older heads in the group and the younger new recruits like Kitty Pryde and Colossus, which was notably absent in the first two films as the younger members were still classed as children. The sequence, which in itself is a well choreographed scene plugged the narrative hole that explained why Xavier was so happy to just allow kids into his crew (especially when they were as mostly useless as Rogue) and it's a shame it's now been ret-conned out existence.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.