One of the strangest and most mysterious post-credit scenes in recent comic book movie memory occurs at the end of Days of Future Past. We cut to what is clearly Egypt, as an unidentified individual wearing a long robe is being worshiped by scores of people in a seemingly never-ending desert. We then see the character using some form of telekinetic power to create the pyramids, and as the camera pans around, we see his alien-like blue-grey face, while we can also see four men on horseback to the right of the frame. The audible chants of "En Sabah Nur" make it clear to any comic book fan that the character we've just been introduced to is Apocalypse, one of the most powerful characters in the comic book world, who is set to be the villain for the next X-Men film. As for the four men on horseback? They're the Four Horsemen of...the Apocalypse, get it? Presumably when we next see Apocalypse, he'll look a lot more like his popular comic book appearance (given how much time will have passed), but as a clever tease for what comes next, this did nothing but keep our interest piqued in this world. What did you make of Days of Future Past? Let us know in the comments!
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.