X-Men: Days Of Future Past Review - 10 Awesome Moments
10. Opening Future Battle Scene
Say what you want about Bryan Singer, but the guy knows how to pace a movie: he wastes absolutely no time in throwing us right into the conflict. One of the best action scenes in the movie comes right at the beginning, in the 2023 future timeline, as the Sentinels are hunting down any and all mutants, and even humans whose genetics may one day lead to the creation of more mutants. The surprisingly brutal opening scene has the likes of Blink, Sunspot, Warpath, Iceman, and Colossus be killed in a number of unexpectedly grim ways: particularly memorable is Iceman being decapitated while in ice form, and Colossus being savagely beaten to death. The scene ends with Kitty Pryde sending Bishop back in time to warn the other X-Men of where and when the Sentinels are going to attack, setting forth in motion the events of the rest of the movie. The scene also does a great job of introducing us to the Sentinels and demonstrating their destructive power and fantastic ability to adapt (later explained as being a result of reverse-engineering Mystique's DNA).
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.