X-Men: Days Of Future Past Review - 10 Awesome Moments
4. Magneto Moves A Football Stadium
Given what Magneto was imprisoned for, it's certainly no mistake that the football stadium he uses his enormous powers to root out of the ground is the Robert F. Kennedy Stadium. In the insane sequence, Magneto drags the building into the air over Washington, and ends up dumping it on top of the White House, essentially encircling it as a demonstration of his extreme power. As if this wasn't enough, he then begins taking control of the Sentinel prototypes and starts causing havoc on the White House lawn. One of the few great things Brett Ratner latched onto with X-Men: The Last Stand was Magneto's potential to perform some truly ridiculous feats, as he moved the Golden Gate Bridge in that movie. Singer has followed that lead by giving the character one of the film's most jaw-dropping sequences, with outstanding visual effects to boot. Just what exactly will he end up moving in X-Men: Apocalypse?
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
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