X-Men: Days Of Future Past Trailer - 8 Awesome Things It Reveals

2. Wolverine Is Going To Get Shot To Sh*t

Days Of Future Past 8 Promotional pictures already revealed that Wolverine was going to take a few bullets over the course of the movie, but the trailer shows us this moment in a bit more detail. Trapped in what looks like a hotel room, the trailer has edited some shots together to imply that Wolverine is ambushed by a bunch of handgun-wielding goons, only to stand up and presumably wreak revenge with those trademark claws. Whether this is a compilation of a few different scenes or the sum of a single one is up for speculation, but there's no doubting that this moment is going to be one of those seriously memorable ones. That's the beauty of having a invincible hero - you get to watch people shoot him to pieces and he still comes out on top. The rest of the trailer is pretty action-packed, too, with a whole ton of interesting and innovative-looking fight scenes on display, confirming that - despite the inevitable complex plotting - Bryan Singer hasn't skimped out on the kinetics.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.