X-Men: Days Of Future Past - Trailer Analysis

X Men Days Of Future Past Cerebro Damage Things start to get more fast paced from then on in as a pretty retro looking Cerebro starts to spark as Young Xavier uses it (maybe he uses it to look through time and it can't take the strain), what looks like a glass ceiling shatters, and Magneto, Rogue, and Iceman run away from something. It's going to be interesting to see more interaction between Rogue and Magneto, especially since him trying to kill her was never really brought up at length. Days Of Future Past 3 Richard Nixon looks over something and seems pretty concerned (My guess is that he sends out some CIA agents against Magneto and they get completely curb stomped), Mystique shapeshifts into Jackass's Bad Grandpa (presumably for some kind of infiltration mission), and Beast tries to drown Magneto in a fountain. Obviously it won't work but hopefully he gets a few good punches in before something stops the fight. X Men Days Of Future Past Trask And now we get our first proper look at the film's villain Bolivar Trask and the incredibly surprising casting of Peter Dinklage (Game Of Thrones), seen here embodying 70s style with massive glasses and a moustache that could rival Tom Selleck's. Trask has never been portrayed as a dwarf before so Dinklage must be bringing something really special to the role to set him apart from the actors of average height who could play the character. Seeing what he's going to do the role is going to be very interesting indeed. Here we see Trask in what looks like a courtroom or some kind of audience chamber, implying that he's on trial or possibly appealing for government backing to unleash the Sentinels and his other instruments of death. X Men Days Of Future Past Mystique Fights After that, it's all girl power as Storm calls down a lightning strike, Blink does... something to do with fire, and the gap between the Jennifer Lawrence and Rebecca Romijn versions of Mystique gets smaller as we see her breaking out the fighting moves we saw her use in the first three films. This is overlaid with Young Xavier telling one of the future X-Men "I don't want your suffering. I don't want your future" showing some very good character progression for Xavier since, for once, he's not the all powerful and optimistic teacher we know him as. Rather than having almost infinite reserves of hope and being calm and in control, he's depressed and angry. Which is the perfect direction to take him in given the turn his life has taken since the Missile Crisis incident in First Class. X Men Days Of Future Past Wolverine Kills And of course, Wolverine kills someone with his shirt off. Because you've got to have a little something for the fangirls.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.