X-Men: Days Of Future Past - Trailer Analysis
This is a scene that's bound to raise a lot of questions among fans. Not only is the question why is Magneto attacking Mystique but also how. He's not telekinetic and she walks around naked so he can't grab any metal on a jacket or pair of trousers. Perhaps we're going to see an early version of his and Mystique's little trick of pumping iron into people's bodies (X-Men 2) or maybe there's some kind of tracking device on her body built by Trask. As for the why, my guess is that Days Of Future Past will see a lot of divided loyalties for Mystique. She and Xavier are practically brother and sister so obviously she'll still have a certain degree of loyalty to him. It would also be a good counterpoint to her abandoning him in First Class, which was pretty jarring considering he'd just been shot. Also, since this film sees Magneto set on his true path to darkness as he tries to start a Mutant revolution, it might be that she sees him do something so repellent that she leaves him and returns to the X-Men. And finally, we end on what we've all been waiting for from Days Of Future Past: the two Professor Xaviers meet and Old Xavier tells Young Xavier that they need him to hope again. Judging by how it seems how time travel will work in the film, it would appear that their meeting is a telepathic conference that crosses through different eras but it's still an exciting prospect. So that was the trailer for X-Men: Days Of Future Past and damn does it look good. It's just a pain that we've still got almost seven months to wait for the whole film. At least The Wolverine's still pretty recent if you really need an X-Men fix. But anyway, now that I've said my piece and guessed at what's going to happen in Days Of Future Past, tell us what you think. Leave your thoughts in the comments section below...