The Wolverine overcomes a lot of adversity - it exists in the shadow of Origins: Wolverine and is a direct follow-on from The Last Stand, but doesn't let that bog it down - yet it never really rises as high as a movie following Logan in Japan should. This is an essential arc from the comics, finally giving Hugh Jackman the opportunity to be Wolverine outside of the X-Men, with a mortality story to boot, but the finished product is, above anything else, wildly forgettable. There's the fight sequence on top of a train, which is cool if you can get over the poor CGI, and there's a bit where he takes on loads of ninjas that was great in concept, and wasn't Silver Samurai cool before the reveal he was that old guy? Boy, that film just wasn't there, was it? It was a fine throwaway adventure, but like the weaker MCU movies is really only remembered for its cool post-credits scene, which neatly (if canonically confusingly) sets up Days Of Future Past. Hugh Jackman is currently gearing up for the third standalone Wolverine movie, which promises to be his last appearance as the character. Here's hoping that this icon of superhero cinema finally gets the movie he deserves.