X-Men: New Mutants - 10 Things You Need To Know

2. The Classic Blue-And-Gold Costumes Are Used

The aesthetic of the X-Men movies has always felt a little €œoff€. The first film clad the team all in black leather, like they were in The Matrix but less committed to the S&M bondage look. Cyclops even made a joke when Wolverine commented on their outfits, suggesting that he might prefer to wear €œyellow spandex€. Haha, get it? Like the comics! The team in the source material have been through multiple iterations of costumes, from the personal (and clashing) to the entire group wearing matching uniforms. That classic blue-and-gold colour scheme finally appeared on-screen in X-Men: First Class, but that was only briefly, and abandoned by Days Of Future Past. That iconic New Mutants team, however, is all about the blue-and-gold. The original team all wore the same costumes as Xavier€™s early team did in the comics; since Xavier€™s early team in the films also wore those costumes, expect them to make a re-appearance in the films as well. Hopefully without that weird Frisbee Havok had glued to his chest.
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New Mutants
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/