10 Most Awkwardly Titled Movie Blockbusters In Recent Memory

10. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

After the original X-Men trilogy ended with a whimper thanks to Brett Ratner's massive-scale but underwhelming The Last Stand, the franchise was left searching for a new direction. Like many a lucrative movie series before it, the simple option was to reboot and present origin stories of the most popular characters, with Hugh Jackman's Wolverine being the obvious first candidate. The second spin-off would have centered on a young Magneto, but the poor critical and audience reaction to Wolverine's first solo outing nixed the idea of any more spin-offs (we're looking at you, Deadpool), with Erik Lensherr's origin getting folded into the story of X-Men: First Class instead. Adding the 'X-Men Origins' prefix was awkward because despite being a standalone feature, it blatantly set out to establish itself as the first installment of an all-new franchise. Do you ever hear anyone mention this movie by its full title? Most people refer to it simply as 'Wolverine', or other words that cannot be printed here given the quality of the final product...
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