10 Most Awkwardly Titled Movie Blockbusters In Recent Memory

9. Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga'Hoole (2010)

Remember when Zack Snyder directed a 3D computer animated literary adaptation about talking owls with Australian accents? Its okay, not a lot of people do. Based on the popular series of books by Kathryn Lasky, the movie underperformed at the box office for an animated family flick, which may have had something to do with the mouthful of a title. The most successful animated movies tend to have short, snappy titles that easily convey the characters, the premise or both (Toy Story, Shrek, Kung Fu Panda, Ice Age etc...) and many casual moviegoers with families were probably unsure exactly what the hell an owl of Ga'Hoole actually was. Ultimately, the $80m project grossed just $140m worldwide and proved to be a misguided foray into the world of animation for Zack Snyder, and the awkwardly-titled avian adventure remains a largely forgotten entry on the director's filmography.
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