10 Most Awkwardly Titled Movie Blockbusters In Recent Memory

7. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014)

Somewhat surprisingly for a Hollywood franchise, after The Sum of All Fears grossed three times its production budget the Jack Ryan series lay dormant for over a decade. Chris Pine had been attached to the project since 2009 when it went by the working title of Moscow, and by the time the movie hit theaters five years later it had become burdened with a generic subtitle. Surely cinema audiences hadn't forgotten who Jack Ryan was; after all, the four previous movies had combined for almost $800m in box receipts, making it one of the most lucrative spy franchises in Hollywood. Perhaps calling the movie plain old 'Jack Ryan' wasn't enough, especially given the modern blockbuster's propensity for needless subtitles. Originally testing under the nonsensical 'Shadow One', at least 'Shadow Recruit' could describe Ryan's cover as a CIA analyst working on Wall Street. However, by the time he confronts Kenneth Branagh's villain face-to-face and becomes operational, the title essentially becomes meaningless.
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