10 Most Awkwardly Titled Movie Blockbusters In Recent Memory

8. Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)

After Matthew Vaughn dropped out of X-Men: Days of Future Past (marking the third time he has backed out of making a Marvel comic book adaptation after departing X-Men: The Last Stand and Thor), the director opted in favor of adapting self-promoter extraordinaire Mark Millar's 2012 comic book series. This is one of those title changes that really doesn't make any sense. The source material is called The Secret Service and all the way through production, from Vaughn signing on to casting announcements and everything in between, the project was referred to as The Secret Service. Suddenly, the first poster and trailer dropped and the movie was now called Kingsman, with the original name as the subtitle. The original title was much, much better and gave a clearer indication of the premise; people would get an idea of the plot from a name like The Secret Service but if they haven't read the comic series would they have any idea who or what a Kingsman is supposed to be?
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