X-Men Apocalypse: 10 Implications For The X-Men Franchise

7. Mister Sinister Is The Next Villain

Psylocke X Force

Apocalypse's post-credits scene heavily teases the presence of Mister Sinister, as his Essex Corporation cronies are shown collecting a vial of Wolverine's blood among other things.

Though this would seem to suggest that Sinister will be the villain in the next core X-Men movie, Bryan Singer has teased that the figure will in fact have a much larger role in the X-Men universe, particularly as it pertains to setting up The Wolverine 3 and Gambit's solo film.

Frankly, it wouldn't surprise us if he showed up in any of these three movies or perhaps even all of them, as Fox may be hoping to establish Sinister as their pervasive, Thanos-like villain, who is ever-present in the shadows before facing the X-Men himself in a few movies' time.

Whatever his nature, he's clearly the antagonist Fox and Bryan Singer are putting their stock in moving forward.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.