X-Men: Apocalypse - 10 Reasons It's Not As Bad As The Critics Are Saying

6. The Wolverine Scene Is Blatant Fan Service, But Who Cares?

Apocaypse Villain
20th Century Fox

Have we all forgotten how to have fun when it comes to superhero flicks? Does every moment need to be taken so seriously?

I ask this because many fans of the X-Men franchise, critics included, have deemed the memorable scene in which Wolverine is released from his "cage" towards the end of the movie and goes on a killing spree to be unnecessary fan service of the highest order; you know, shoe-horned in to make the trailers more enticing.

The critics are probably right about this scene from a narrative viewpoint, of course; it isn't necessary. But was it exciting, fun and outright brilliant to watch? Absolutely! For those reasons and those reasons alone, Wolverine's cameo in Apocalypse entirely justifies its inclusion. It's not like the X-Men continuity is a sacred entity, after all - the franchise is arguably the messiest and most incoherent franchise ever, so stuff like this... well, it doesn't need to be logical, does it?

If we're complaining and deriding Hugh Jackman popping up for five minutes to slice twenty bad guys into mince meat, then we really have lost our sense of joy and wonder. As for me, I'll take a dollop of fan service like this - with relish.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.