X-Men: Apocalypse - 10 Reasons It's Not As Bad As The Critics Are Saying

7. Michael Fassbender's Condensed Role Actually Makes For A Better Performance

Apocaypse Villain

Many critics have lamented the fact that arguably the best character in the film, Michael Fassbender's Eric Lehnsherr, has a relatively small part. He only appears in a handful of scenes, and isn't anywhere near as important to the story as he was in both X-Men: First Class and X-Men: Days of Future Past.

All right, but what's the real issue with that? Is there even one?

Despite the fact that Fassbender has a more condensed role in Apocalypse, he still manages to be the most memorable thing in the whole movie. He brings genuine emotional and angst to every second he's on screen; when the camera lingers on his face, you can literally see the character's long and troubled past flickering in the actor's eyes. It's a masterclass of understatement.

It's a remarkable turn, and one made better by the fact that Fassbender needs only a handful of scenes to convey Magneto's inner plight. I was always unsure that the actor deserved such high praise for his turn as Magneto in these movies, but I actually think he gives his best ever Magneto performance right here, in Apocalypse, proving that - as far as cinema is concerned - less is often more.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.