X-Men: Apocalypse - 25 WTF Moments

9. Magnetism Affects Every Metals (Except These Ones)

Magneto X-Men Apocalypse Trailer caps
20th Century Fox

When Apocalypse turns Magneto to the dark side in the wake of his family's death and takes him to Auschwitz to help focus the emotional amplification of his powers, he unleashes a level of power within Erik that is unprecedented.

It's also pretty BS, since the whole "pull the metal out of the earth" is ridiculously conceited, but it does at least make for some good effects. You just have to suspend all knowledge of science you've ever had and accept that there'd be no lasting impact on the Earth's core or magnetic field.

You also have to accept the weird fact that neither Apocalypse's suit, Psylocke's sword or Angel's MASSIVE METAL WINGS are affected by Magneto interfering with every other metal in the vicinity. It's just dumb.


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