X-Men: Apocalypse - 25 WTF Moments
8. The Star Wars Gag
You're nobody in comic book movies these days if you're not dropping in Star Wars references. It's the easiest way to highlight just how deep your geek credentials go (despite the fact that Star Wars hasn't been non-mainstream for more than a decade) and it's inevitable there's a little gag with Apocalypse set in the 80s.
Unfortunately, Singer's decision to use the gag to take a snarky side-swipe at The Last Stand ends up backfiring horribly. Had Apocalypse been a five star film, nobody would have batted an eyelid at his tongue in cheek take-down, but all the "third movies are always the worst" gag does is make Singer look like a fool with no self-awareness.
And he pretty much wrote every negative review's headline for them.