X-Men: Apocalypse Final Trailer Breakdown - 26 Things You Need To See

2. Inside Alkali Lake

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20th Century Fox

After the title card, we get an awesome little sting that appears to be set inside the Alkali Base centre. Quite why the X-Menhere is very muchopen for debate, but I do have a few theories.

The most likely is that the attack on the X-Mansion was actually by Stryker (who has been seen in the grounds)and Jean, Scott et al have been taken for experimentation, bringing in a third party to the film and making this a rescue mission. Going with the idea that it's an escape,perhaps they're springing another, unknown mutant?Or maybe this was justanother step on Apocalypse's journey?

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20th Century Fox

"You've been busy," quips Mystique, totally oblivious of all the hate levelled against superhero murderers recently.

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20th Century Fox

"We had a little help," replies Scott. And that brings us to how we know it's Alkali Lake...


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.