Zack Snyder Has Already Planned Out Justice League 2

The director has spoken.

Justice League: The Snyder Cut
Warner Bros.

Zack Snyder will finally have his wish come true with the Snyder Cut of Justice League coming to HBO Max in 2021, but it turns out he's already got a story in mind revolving around Darkseid and a possible Justice League sequel.

Speaking to The Nerd Queens (via ScreenRant), the director teased his ideas for a potential follow up of the movie:

"If you said to any of the actors in the movie what happens in the sequel or what happens later… so [Ray Porter] and I were talking about this and what’s cool, what’s the right response to some questions? It’s a fair question to ask me, like what do I say to the world about what happens when Darkseid comes to Earth? Then what? The truth is, did I write and did I have and conceive of a complete – do I know what happens when Darkseid? Yes. The answer is I do know what happens… My point is only that to say and to speculate about what that is and that that would be exciting, I think that’s a fine thing.”

We already know that The Snyder Cut is going to be completely different from the theatrical version directed by Joss Whedon. Darkseid will play a huge role in this and Jared Leto's Joker, alongside Joe Manganiello's Deathstroke, have been added to the reshoots as well.


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Cinephile, lover of gaming and technology. Favorite movie quote? "Ezekiel 25:17"