Zack Snyder's Justice League: All Characters Ranked Worst To Best

19. Martha Kent

Jessie Eisenberg Lex Luthor Justice League
Warner Bros.

Another character who has a slightly weaker showing in the Snyder Cut is Martha Kent. The adoptive mother of Superman has a few good scenes in the film, and is once again led by a strong performance from Diane Lane.

However, the character's best scene in both the theatrical film and the Snyder Cut is when she talks to Lois Lane about returning to the Daily Planet and moving on. Her scene with Lois in Snyder's extended cut is brilliantly portrayed by the actress and is quite beautiful, however it is robbed of its impact after it is revealed that Martian Manhunter was disguised as Martha during the entirety of the scene.

Other than that terrific exchange between the pair of Diane Lane and Amy Adams, Ma Kent is not given much of a role in the film beyond briefly reacting to her house being taken by the bank and seeing her son again.


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