10 Awesome Video Games That Fail In The 3rd Act

8. Fahrenheit

Metal Gear Solid V
Quantic Dream

Name a more iconic duo than Quantic Dream and video games that completely s**t the bed in the final stretch. And yet, they've never made more of a dog's dinner of it than in their first interactive drama game, 2005's Fahrenheit.

Though flawed, Fahrenheit had a frankly incredible foundation, telling a supernatural murder-mystery across a sprawlingly cinematic, David Lynch-inspired canvas, while shifting the perspective between three main characters.

The game opens with protagonist Lucas Kane becoming possessed and brutally murdering a man in a diner, and for the next five-or-so hours, Fahrenheit remains a consistently fascinating - if increasingly bonkers - ride.

But that promise falls off almost entirely in the final couple of hours, when Lucas is swiftly transformed into a Neo-esque superhero who acrobatically battles his foes with an inexplicable aptitude.

Yet its worse offense lies in forcing a painfully unearned romance between Lucas and Carla Valenti, the cop investigating him, which sees them shag and declare their love for each other in record time, enough that the only response is to gut-laugh at the silliness of it all.

As it turns out, Fahrenheit's final third was originally much longer, but due to time constraints it had to be cut short, resulting in a guffaw-inducing car crash of a final reel.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.