10 Best Mac Video Games Of 2016

3. Rocket League

Mac video games

Developed by Psyonix Inc., Rocket League is the sort of old fashion fun you might find in the N64 era. There isn’t much in the way of story or graphics, but this game will keep you coming back for more.

If you ever played Excitebike 64’s football mode you’ll know what you’re doing with Rocket League. The player takes control of a rocket powered car, one that's also able to nudge the ball towards the goal whilst flipping and twisting to try and get the perfect shot.

Unlike football, the ball then explodes once a goal has been scored. The pace is constant as cars are able to ride up the walls and back into play. Timing is key and control is difficult to maintain.

The ability for drop-in, drop-out online play also adds to the fun as the action can continue at a pace. The server issues that plagued the game at launch are a thing of the past now, so get online and get scoring.
