10 Brutal Video Game Fighting Moves You Won’t Believe Exist

4. The Von Twirlenkiller Takedown - MadWorld

Fist of the North Star
Platinum Games

How people ever forgets about MadWorld is anyone's guess. The game was the most violent game on the Wii - a console that held primarily kid-safe games - and boy, did it decide to continuously prove that fact.

Every boss you encounter in MadWorld faces some form of grizzly fate, but the biggest gore fest of them all has to be when you take down the man bestowed with the delightful name of the Von Twirlenkiller.

We don't get to know much about this mechanical mystery, aside from the fact that his uniform appears concerningly Nazi-esque - which was presumably done so you don't feel too bad about what happens to him.

After completing the first phase of the fight, you tear one of the Twirlenkiller's arms off, in an effort to prevent him from his lethal twirls. As this doesn't seem to convince him not to fight you, you then tear the other off, punch him into the air, and then grind him to a pulp on one of his own jet engines.

And then, alas, the Twirlenkiler twirled no more.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.