10 Cult Classic Video Games That Deserve A Sequel

4. Okami

Brutal Legend

Although Okami did receive a sequel on the 3DS, what we really want to see if a fully-fledged attempt at bringing Amateratsu to the current generation.

Okami has been ported enough times by now for Capcom to realise how beloved it is. Okami is a beautifully rich game filled with personality and an amazingly unique gameplay mechanic in the form of painting.

Although there are many things that can be lauded about Okami, the painting and how it ties into the rest of the game is really what sets the game apart from anything else. Painting opens up the world, makes combat more interesting and even ties into the characters themselves.

Now, imagine all of this but with even better graphics and with brand new gameplay innovations. The world of Okami is so rich that expressing it through a handheld device isn't really enough. Capcom are sitting on enough beloved franchises, but Okami is certainly one of the most wasted currently.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.