10 Famous Video Game Rivalries With A Clear Winner

2. Grand Theft Auto Vs. Saints Row

Mortal Kombat STREET fighter
Rockstar Games

WINNER: Grand Theft Auto

You’re kidding, right?

Despite the odds being so massively mismatched, gamers have been trying to pit Saints Row and GTA against each other ever since the first Saints Row came out.

This made sense back when the first two games were trying to emulate gang culture, but it became a little bit ridiculous when we were suplexing aliens in a virtual world.

Besides the wacky sense of humour, Grand Theft Auto trumps Saints Row on every single account. Driving, shooting and story are all so much better in GTA, and we’re not just talking about the most recent release.

Although this may seem like a massive Saints Row slam, it’s really not. There aren’t many games out there that can match the juggernaut that is GTA, but Saints Row really does its own thing anyway.

I will say this though: Saints Row's newer releases have better soundtracks than the more recent GTAs by a mile.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.