10 Gaming Mechanics That Developers Should Have Fixed Years Ago
7. Over-Confident Enemies
Getting the balance of difficulty right with enemy AI is tricky, but most developers have managed it, with enemies taking cover when shot at and using projectiles at the right moments. However, many games still seem to struggle with getting the AI to change tactics when they are losing.
The Batman: Arkham games got this right with their Predator situations, as enemies initially strolled around casually before the section began, but after their numbers started to drop they would become visibly nervous and scared, shooting blindly around corners as Batman carried on his assault. Sadly, not all games include Batman, and many developers can’t seem to replicate this type of advance enemy AI.
Quite often, after reducing a group of enemies from 20 to just 1 with a heavy weapon, that last guy will still run directly at you wielding a rusty knife in the exact same way his friends just did before you wiped them out. As fun as it is to destroy that last guy, it would be more of a challenge if he tried to change tactics and flank you instead of simply running into your bullets.