7. Skate 3s Absolutely Insane Bail System
Depending on how you look at it, the glitches in Skate 3 could be considered either worst or best. For a supposed Sim, being able to easily and substantially defy all known laws of physics is a definite illusion-shatterer. Still, these might be some of the funniest game-farts ever managed by anyone, ever: http://youtu.be/49kpzfKYsrU Basically, Skate 3 is a game so rife with glitches surrounding the bail system and the ability to be on or off your board and move objects, that players can and do forget the game completely. Instead they spend hours, days, weeks, just messing around with glitches to see just how much punishment they can inflict on these seemingly adamantium-skeletoned skateboarders. Want to get involved? Simply google
Skate 3 Glitch Tutorials; youll be surprised just how much there is. Looks like EA Black Box found a wholly unorthodox way to keep us playing after we beat the game.