10 GREAT Nintendo Switch Games You Can Buy For Under £20

6. Golf Story - £13.49

Rocket League
Sidebar Games

Golf games are almost always fun but they get a little boring after a while. Well, Golf Story solved that problem by adding a funny story, unique locales, and RPG mechanics.

Golf Story is a top-down golf game with RPG elements; you run around, completing tasks and earning money to buy better equipment and get better at ye old golf. And it also tells the story of a young lad whose life mission is to win the big golf tournament, to prove people wrong and make his old man proud.

When the idea of a story-driven golf game came up, eyebrows were raised and sources say eyes may have even rolled. However developer Sidebar Games not only did it, but even managed to do it extremely well: crafting not only a fun gold game, but one with a genuinely funny and compelling story. It's a delightfully well-made game and well worth playing, even if you couldn't give a rat's ass about golf. Not to mention, Golf Story is a Nintendo Switch exclusive.


Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.