10 GREAT Nintendo Switch Games You Can Buy For Under £20

3. Night In The Woods - £17.99

Rocket League

A game that grows on you the more you play it (and long after you've rolled the credits) Night In The Woods is a tale of anthropomorphic twenty-somethings trying to find their way in life.

Few pieces of art, whether it's a game, movie, TV show, or book, have captured the essence, humour, and perspective of "millennials" as wholly as Night In The Woods. The game perfectly encapsulates an entire generation's dreams, fears, passion, and despair, and distils it in a way that doesn't feel disingenuous or disparaging. Instead, it does a fantastic job of showing why millennials are seemingly scatter-brained and paralysed by indecision.

They (we) are the first generation of people to grow up with the internet as a given fact of life, and the first generation to supposedly have the entire world at its feet, and that leaves many of them (us) feeling sublimely overwhelmed and catatonic.

That's an excellent pun FYI.

How this pertains to Night In The Woods then, is that the game's characters are all millennials. They're twenty-something's who haven't gotten a damn thing figured out and it terrifies them. The game is an unflinching narrative adventure that should be taught in classrooms as well as played.


Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.