10 Honest Truths Xbox One Owners Realise After Buying A PS4

5. Microsoft Is Handling Backwards Compatibility Perfectly

Xbox One backwards compatibility

If there's one place Microsoft is dominating Sony, it's in their handling of backwards compatibility. It's true that backwards compatibility is not a selling point to a lot of gamers, as the reason they bought a new console was to play bigger and better titles in the first place.

For those who have an extensive gaming library however, backwards compatibility is more than welcomed.

At this point in time there are over 300 Xbox 360 titles available to play on the Xbox One, with more and more being added. With so many 360 games available, it allows players to keep the gaming library they spent years building up, and doesn't let that money go to waste. Indeed, for committed Xbox fans, being able to keep and play your old games on a new console is a godsend.

When it comes to the PS4 though, Sony has essentially given up on making it a free feature. Instead, they've opted to make you pay for it one way or another, either through PlayStation Now or simply through repurchasing a very limited amount of games available on the marketplace.

When it comes to PS3 games, unless it's re-released as an HD remaster or you jump head-first into PlayStation Now, you're going to have to hang on to that PS3 to play it. Sony has opted for pay-to-play when it comes to their backlog, while Microsoft is giving you what is yours for free.

That's a win for Microsoft.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.